For Personal Training info click HERE
Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Combat Submission Wrestling, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts (Kali/Escrima/ Arnis). Along with Strength, Flexibility, and Weight Loss training.

Call or Text us at: 540-999-8270
Coaching out of Kaizen MMA and at your
home and local park
3950 University Dr STE 103, Fairfax, VA 22030
KNOCKOUT FitnessBoot Camp
Helping Chantilly, Herndon, Fairfax, South Riding, Dulles, Manassas,
Centreville, Sterling, Middleburg, Springfield, & Loudoun locals get in the
BEST shape of their lives.
"NOVA Fitness Boot Camp Coach Reveals How Lose up to 24 lbs of Fat in 12 Weeks or Less"
Get an "unfair advantage" in Reshaping Your Body with the weight loss secrets of the elite fitness professionals.
Start the day with a INCREDIBLE workout that's Fun &
"Who Else Wants To Be Toned, Firm, Strong and Confident?"
Are you frustrated by your inability to lose weight and keep it off? Are you having trouble getting motivated? Do you really want to be thin, toned, firm, and sexy? Is losing weight an empty promise you make to yourself over and over again? Leading personal trainer in Northern Virginia can help you achieve your goal.
Warning: This is the weight loss program that health clubs, fitness equipment stores, and personal trainers don't want you to know.... A fitness boot camp designed to force your body to lose up to 24 lbs of ugly fat in 12 week without going to the gym.
Instead of a hour after hour on treadmills, elypticals, and other workout machines, why not do something that challenges you and changes you for the BETTER with KNOCKOUT Boot Camp?
You can lose weight, get motivated, tone muscles, and LIKE IT! Have fun while you work out! No more overcrowded health clubs, no expensive personal trainers, no crappy attitudes… just good fun and great exercise. Get out of your normal routine and get into fitness with NOVA's #1 Indoor AND Outdoor Fitness Program, KNOCKOUT! Boot Camp. Combining the best workouts, exercises and drills from Boxing, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, to create Elite Level athletes with exceptional bodies, agility, and coordination.

“During a boot camp workout, you can burn up to 600 calories per hour, which is obviously going to help with weight loss. But in addition to a great cardiovascular workout, you are also getting the muscular fitness benefit from exercises such as push-ups, squats and lunges that you wouldn’t get from a typical aerobic exercise.” - American Council on Exercise's Chief Science Officer Cedric X. Bryan
With our system of training your body will be primed the rest of day to burn more calories, and fat. After one of our workouts resting metabolism will skyrocket making you a Lean Mean Fat Burning Machine.
With the highest quality personal trainers, the best non- health club atmosphere, and the most rewarding Boot Camp Fitness Program in all of Northern Virginia...why not exercise your right for a challenging, effective, fat burning work out? Get your exercise with KNOCKOUT! Boot Camp.
Our Boot Camp is for Men, Women, and Teens interested in getting in the best shape of their lives through Dynamic training. Our program is for people who don't just want to get in shape but also for people who want to enjoy their bodies in various athleteic endevors. Being fit is fine but our program is here to help people conquer goals. Our program isnt just for fighters in Combat Sports (don't let the MMA name scare you away), we're here for people interested in Mud Run's, and Obstacle Coarses, for people who run Marathons, and for off season Athletes trying to stay at or get to their best. We are also for here for people who where or want to be Athletes, we provide the guidence, motivation and means, we only ask that you bring a willingness to try and push yourself, to be RELENTLESS. Our training program allows each person to go at their own pace whether they can lift 10lbs or 500. Regardless our workouts will Burn Fat, & Build Muscle, Endurance, Agility and Coordination to make you a Supieor athlete that you and others will be in awe of.
KNOCKOUT! Boot Camp is a full body strength training and cardiovascular workout done in a group setting. The KNOCKOUT! program incorporates Strength, and agility training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility, mind-body disciplines, and nutritional counseling. Cardiovascular & Strength workouts include a variety of activities such as kickboxing, jump rope, sprints, kettlebell, dumbbell, resistance band and bodyweight exercises along with obstacle courses. Our program is truly UNIQUE!

When I first met David Carter I was 6'4", 280 lbs and had a size 44
waist. Through Dave's personal training methods, in both conditioning and Muay Thai, I have lost 60 lbs and almost 10 inches off my waist in just 6 months! His work outs really get the best out of you. Plus, Dave has accommodated my busy schedule and even trained me before sunrise just to make sure we stayed consistent. Through Dave's no-nonsense approach, I'm stronger, faster and fitter than ever.
John Goldman
The exercise programs change EVERY SESSION to add new challenges and variety to every workout.
Our instructors encourage you to do your personal best regardless of your fitness level. Even beginners are able to complete almost the entire workout and are encouraged to pace themselves, adjust exercises as needed and to take breaks when they need to. Low-impact modifications are always an option for those with physical limitations. Discuss any injuries or limitations with your instructor and he/she will make an effort to provide an alternative or altered version of activities that you may not be able to complete comfortably.
The point of all of this?
We want you to succeed!
We want you to leave every workout glad you did it, feeling great and looking better!
Ramone's Rave Review
The KNOCKOUT! Program
KNOCKOUT! Boot Camp will use the following 7 principles of exercise to achieve maximum results.
Regularity: We offer 4 days a week of great cardio and weight training (we suggest you go at your own pace and suggest 2 to 3 days a week for those beginning exercise).
Progression: Start safely at your own level, increasing intensity at your own pace.
Overload: Work harder than you would by yourself.
Balance: Use lots of different exercises to work the whole body.
Specificity: Focus on a goal--weight loss, better endurance, lower stress, improve athletic ability, or increase muscle mass.
Variety: Vary the routine to keep the body guessing.
Recovery: Take a day off and do light cardio or weights on non boot camp days.
3 Steps in Learning an Exercise:
Learn the mechanics
Practice control
Only add challenge after mastering the above first two steps
PS - Remember the right exercise program will help everyone. Come and join us online anytime or in-person at the Boot Camp
I am a mom and wife, I own a business, I have lots of commitments in my life. To me, time is a premium commodity. In the past, I saw working out as a big waste of time, especially because I did not see or feel results quickly and because my trainer gave me very little information about how my efforts would specifically achieve results. On top of that, I was coming to the realization that I oftentimes put myself last, and I needed to be inspired to do activities that focus on me.
I explained all of this to Dave, and from the beginning he has made my workouts work for me by keeping things fresh and fun, by keeping me informed throughout the process, and by explaining and demonstrating variations that will work for me.
As for putting myself last –Yes, Dave has reminded me that keeping myself strong and healthy will help me accomplish what I need to accomplish for the important people in my life. Most importantly, though, Dave has helped me recognize that I am responsible for my health and fitness, that I cannot blame anything or anyone if I don’t choose to keep myself healthy, safe, and strong, and that I am well worth the effort!
I have noticed that I feel more energized, more confident, and I have to admit that I am starting to look damn good, too! Thanks Dave!
Jill J
Mom, Wife, Business Owner
A Demo of some our Unique Kettelbell Circuits focused on Burning Fat, Builidng Muscle, Cordination, and Agility
Relentless MMA & Fitness can change your life like it did mine. I've been with Coach David Carter since Feb. 2012 at a gym where he use to teach Muay Thai kickboxing. I've always wanted to compete in any type of martial arts since I enrolled in his classes but never took it seriously until last year when Coach Carter opened up Relentless MMA. I use to weigh 225lbs, now I'm weighing at 175lbs all thanks to Relentless MMA classes and Coach Carter's awesome meal plan! One of my problems I use to have was I always use to underestimate myself but Carter always taught me to believe in myself because he believed in me. These past two weeks have been a memorable experience. I competed in Copa Nova, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament on May 3rd, 2014, with only 4 months of learning from Coach Carter BJJ classes and I ended up getting 3rd place from 10 guys in my division! I won 3 matches but lost one of course to end up taking the bronze medal. Felt good to bring a medal back home to my kids. I didn't stop there! This past Saturday on May 17th, 2014, I competed in a 6 mile obstacle race called the Savage Race and end up killing every obstacle there! I didn't fall once! Who needs crossfit when you can just join Relentless MMA to get in shape and learn bad ass stuff! Coach Carter knows more than 20 different type of martial arts! Not to mention he is a great personal well known trainer in the area. He is really knowledgeable in everything he teaches. Very clean gym and very friendly people there. He breaks down to very specific detail. Not only have I found a coach, a mentor, a role model but I found a great friend. Feels like home when I step foot into Relentless MMA. When I say it changed my life it really did. Relentless MMA is the place for you if you want learn, get fit, compete, or even be a part of a Relentless family. Always stay humble and RELENTLESS!
Alberto Chavarria
Benefits of joining our Fitness Boot Camp
Increase (maybe even double!) your strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular health in 12 weeks or less while exercising with your new friends.
No more crowded, intimidating, smelly, or sweaty gym and gym membership to pay month after month.
You only pay a fraction of the price of a one on one personal training service while getting guided by our top fitness expert.
Our classes are so much fun that you will not even notice that you are exercising. This is a chance for you to meet new people in your area.
We keep our classes small so that you still get personal attentions.
Expert guidance from qualified fitness expert: Here's a answer hiring a personal trainer for over $90 per session.
Added motivations: Fitness boot camp training provide support group so that you can stick to your exercise program.

Simply put: Dave is the best. I've lost a total of 70lbs and I could not have done it without him. He knows how to challenge you to not only get the best out of yourself but also to believe in your ability to do
More than what you thought possible. I can personally say from my own journey working out with Dave that there are only a few feelings greater than looking in the mirror and for the first time in a long time really liking what you see!
8-15 lbs of Fat loss
5-9% decrease in body fat
30% improvement in cardiovascular endurance
20% increase in strength
Better performance at work or school
Positive energy flow
Reduced stress
Elevated confidence
Personal satisfaction
Over the years I have trained in many sports ranging from motor cross, traditional martial arts to competitive body building and I have never meet a more dedicated and effective coach then Dave Carter. Dave takes a personal interest in each and every ones of his clients success. Dave is dedicated to ensuring that each of his student reach their full physical and mental potential. Its easy to stand behind Dave and his systems because Dave stands behind each of his students regardless of their goals or levels. I would and do recommend Dave Carter to anyone who wants to improve their fitness level, gain self confidence or train in combat arts.
Best regards,
Director of Operations
Metro DC, VA, MD
Why can't I just buy a fitness equipment and exercise at home?
Really think about your situation for a moment. The better question is how much money did you already waste on fitness equipment? How much more money do you want to throw away? Do you have a treadmill that is now your most expensive hanger? There are thousands of infomercial products on television that promise solutions but are just a complete waste of time and money. Just ask yourself........
"How Much More Money Will You spend on
Fitness/Weight Loss Products that Do Not Provide Any Real Results?".
What fitness equipment do you use?
We have a workout program like no other. Most of the classes will be done indoors to protect you from the elements. On nicer days we will do a mix of indoor and out door exercieses and activities. We are the only fitness boot camp in Northern Virginia that utilize real fitness equipment such as Punching bags, dumbbells, sandbags, kettlebells, medicine balls, jumping ropes, heavy ropes, cones, agility rings, agility ladders, tires, sledge hammers, chains, and more. This is the secret training program of the elite athletes. Of course, you don't have to be an elite athlete to see great grains.
Yours in Health,
David Carter
Founder and President
Knockout Boot Camp Instructor/ Personal Trainer / Coach
P.S. I can only accept a limited number of people. So please don't delay. I don't want you to miss out on this great opportunity.
P.S.S You are protected with my 60 day 100% money-back guarantee. I'd have to be crazy to offer such a guarantee if I wasn't completely certain that I can help you. Well, I'm not crazy.... I am just really good at what I do.
P.S.S.S. If you want to see what some of my exercises and workouts look like just check out my Video section.